Source code for ewoksid14.tests.tasks.test_hdf5_to_spec

import h5py
import numpy
import pytest

from ...tasks.hdf5_to_spec import Hdf5ToSpec

[docs] def test_hdf5_to_spec(tmp_path): filename = tmp_path / "RAW_DATA" / "bliss_dataset.h5" filename.parent.mkdir() filename = str(filename) output_filename = str(tmp_path / "PROCESSED_DATA" / "bliss_dataset.mca") nscans = 3 nchannels = 10 with h5py.File(filename, "w") as nxroot: for scan in range(1, nscans + 1): nxroot[f"/{scan}.1/start_time"] = "start_time" nxroot[f"/{scan}.1/title"] = "timescan 0.1" nxroot[f"/{scan}.1/measurement/Counts"] = numpy.full((1, nchannels), scan) nxroot[f"/{scan}.1/end_time"] = "end_time" inputs = { "filename": filename, "scan_numbers": list(range(1, nscans + 1)), "output_filename": output_filename, "mca_calibration": [0.1, 0.2], } task = Hdf5ToSpec(inputs=inputs) output_filenames = [ str(tmp_path / "PROCESSED_DATA" / f"bliss_dataset_{i:02d}.mca") for i in range(1, nscans + 1) ] assert task.get_output_values() == {"output_filenames": output_filenames} for i, filename in enumerate(output_filenames, 1): with open(filename, "r") as f: lines = [s.rstrip() for s in f.readlines()] expected = [ f"#F {filename}", "#D start_time", "", f"#S {i} timescan 0.1", "#D start_time", "#C Finished = end_time", "#N 1", "#@MCA 16C", f"#@CHANN {nchannels} 0 {nchannels-1} 1", "#@CALIB 0.1 0.2 0", "#@MCA_NB 1", "#L Counts", "@A " + " ".join(map(str, [i] * 10)), ] assert lines == expected
[docs] def test_hdf5_to_spec_failed(tmp_path): filename = tmp_path / "RAW_DATA" / "bliss_dataset.h5" filename.parent.mkdir() filename = str(filename) output_filename = str(tmp_path / "PROCESSED_DATA" / "bliss_dataset.mca") nscans = 1 nchannels = 10 with h5py.File(filename, "w") as nxroot: for scan in range(1, nscans + 1): nxroot[f"/{scan}.1/start_time"] = "start_time" nxroot[f"/{scan}.1/title"] = "timescan 0.1" nxroot[f"/{scan}.1/measurement/Counts"] = numpy.full((1, nchannels), scan) nxroot[f"/{scan}.1/end_time"] = "end_time" inputs = { "filename": filename, "scan_numbers": list(range(1, nscans + 3)), "output_filename": output_filename, "retry_timeout": 0.1, } task = Hdf5ToSpec(inputs=inputs) with pytest.raises( RuntimeError, match=r"^Failed scans \(see logs why\): \[2, 3\]$" ):